Corner club’s “whenever you’re ready” is the perfect heartbreak anthem

By: Amy Tang

Rounding out the summer season comes corner club’s new single “whenever you’re ready,” an all-too relatable break up song addressed to an ex and their hypothetical new girlfriend. For anyone who has been through the bitter feelings of heartbreak, lyrics like “I hope you’re not okay / I hope you’re down in the dumps / I hope you think of me when you cry in your sleep” and I hope she never feels like you don’t give a shit about her” perfectly encapsulate the biting, petty thoughts that run through your mind post-relationship. 

Photo: Vincent Po

Despite the angsty and resentful tone, “whenever you’re ready” follows a light-hearted, playful indie rock/bedroom pop sound. Vocalist Savannah Du dives into the band’s inspiration for the track: “We channeled all of the mean energy in our bodies into this song. I would never want to wish truly bad things upon someone I once dated, but would I want them to feel the same insecurity that they caused me? Sure, maybe just a little…We drew inspiration from the likes of Lucy Dacus and Mitski, artists with soothing vocals but sometimes bombastic instrumentals, to play off the simultaneously biting and whimsical nature of the song."

In addition with the single, the duo released an accompanying music video which depicts Du “following around her ex, watching mischievously as he meets a new girl, only for things not to work out (with the help of a little sabotage from Sav). At the end, there's a bit of a romcom trope, where the new girl meets the old girl and they commiserate over their shared experiences." explains producer and guitarist Michael Zhang. 

“whenever you’re ready” is available on all streaming platforms now, ready to be your next heartbreak anthem. If you’re looking to hear more from the San Francisco-based duo, coming on October 6 the pair will drop a new EP, in the rearview mirror, available for pre-order now.


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